Saturday, December 7, 2013

More for you to learn about me!

I would love to share a little more about myself. Ever since I was young, I have always enjoyed writing, but my biggest fear is sharing my work with others. I guess my biggest worries were people making fun of my work or disliking it. I was always afraid of people talking negatively about my or about my work. I know that I’m not even close to being a great writer, I still have lots to learn. Right now I’m having fun with my writing and practicing. Over the years I’ve learned, not to let others comments bother me, if anything – learn from them. Constructive criticism can be good for me and I can learn a lot from it.
We don’t really realize how to face our fears at times, and it has taken me years to overcome some of my fears. I have to say that it feels good to finally be standing up to my own fears, and be in control. I want the world to see some of the amazing ideas I have and the worlds that I create. My first novel is taking me longer than I have expected, but I want to make sure that everything is the way I want it before I just throw it out for others to read. I want it to be perfect in my eyes.
Some people say that I have a good imagination. I do have to agree with them. I grew up an only child and many times I had to keep myself occupied. That’s were my imagination began to grow wild. I would create imaginary friends and play board games by myself, or just playing with toys – I’d create crazy stories as I played with them. I absolutely loved to read ever since I was a young child. My parents once told me they took me to Toys’r'us to pick out a toy for my birthday. They told me I could pick one thing out of the entire store, and I chose a book. They were shocked and told me to pick another thing out, so I got another book. They were lucky to walk out of that store buying me something cheap, when I could have picked out something super expensive.
Many people get bored being by themselves, I don’t. I entertain myself quite well. I can sit for hours and just daydream, get ideas for stories, dream about what I would do if I won the lotto (remind you that you actually have to buy a ticket to win and I’m to cheap to buy one), I can read a book and just get lost in it – feeling like I’m in the story and just imagining my surroundings. I like to think of how others live and how I would be in their shoes. I can be very quiet at times, some people say I’m shy, but honestly I’m pretty good at holding a conversation and talking to anyone. I’m the type of person where I enjoy observing others. It relaxes me.
This is a little more about me. I will share more about myself over time. If anyone ever has any questions or wants to know anything specific about me, please feel free to message me. I would love to hear from you. I do enjoy the quote – Carpe Diem. Have a great day or night, whatever the time may be when you read this. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Short Stories

Today as I've been playing with my new laptop, I've come to decide that I think I want to write a few short stories on some of the main/secondary characters in my novel that I’m writing. It would help give them some back story to the novels. I’m planning on writing 5 books in the series. I’m working out a few things in my first novel now, editing it a lot, but trying to keep it so the story can continue on. I was curious if I could get some feedback from you and tell me your opinions on the short stories.
I know I haven’t given you too much information yet on my novels, I’m trying to keep most of it a surprise for now, mainly due to being nervous someone will steal my information and use it for themselves. I’m still not 100% sure if my book will be considered Fantasy or Young Adult. It’s still a toss-up. I’m having a lot of fun with this story line and really can’t wait until I can share it will everyone. Please give me your feedback on the short stories, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you. :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Early Holidays!!!

I just wanted to say Happy Early Holidays to everyone!!! I hope you enjoy your time with your family and friends. I will be working both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. I'm still working on my edits of my novel. I'm adding a lot into my book. I'm incorporating a magic system into it, so this is delaying my work a lot. I'm also taking an online novel class, which is really interesting, to help guide me in my writing. It helps me find my strengths and weaknesses, but overall, it's fun. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and sorry I've been away so long. Have a great night. :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm back!!!

I just wanted to say sorry for disappearing for a while. I was on vacation out of the country and got engaged. I've been very busy with work. I'm back on track now and trying to finish up my first book. I'm adding quite a bit to it, including a magic system. I cannot wait to share it with everyone. Hope everyone is doing good.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Re-writing my first draft

I have had my book edited and proofed. Now I'm going over some revisions and fixing my book up. It's been a while since I have been on here. I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I have not given up on my book. It's still a work in progress. It's close to being finished. Just want to add some more to my book. I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Having my book edited

I am feeling happy about my book. I have it being edited now and I cannot wait for the final results. I will be sharing it with everyone soon.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

First draft edited

I feel so good and accomplished. I cannot stress this enough. I have finally finished editing my first draft.  Now to have my friends and family read it to give me their input. :-)